Monday, November 5, 2012


Aftadon would be counted amongst the seven souls if he wasn't so closely associated with his lover, Adno'b. Being the pericardium, he is certainly recognized as a soul, but he is usually considered of a one with Adno'b when the souls are counted.

Where Adno'b is considered the cause of mortality, Aftadon is considered the source of life and the center of the conscious mind, which after all provides the stage on which Adno'b dances and the courtroom in which Adno'b testifies. This is why it is considered so essential that the pericardium survive death through physical embalming, because even if the physical Adno'b is "dead" the spirit still uses Aftadon as its home.

Metaphysically, Aftadon is the most private room within oneself, which is simultaneously the innermost center of the universe and the womb of the earth, not to mention Ra, the Sun.

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