Monday, October 22, 2012

The Baqluni Heresy of suden Boorgh

The heretical mystic suden Boorgh argued that, in his visions, he had realized that Baqluni orthodoxy placed the worshiper indecently above is-Toos in power, for it was the worshiper who dictated the role, the personality, and the qualities the Heavenly Mother would adopt in their interaction. Instead, he claimed to reveal from divine inspiration that is-Toos was truly one and unchanging, regardless of to whom She appeared and in what context. This, he said, could be the only possible truth if one considered how much more powerful and worthy of honor is-Toos is than we. The masks of is-Toos still had a place in suden Boorgh's system, however, as he described is-Toos as being composed of several parts, just as we are. Just as we may have a head and arms and legs and still be considered one being, just so does is-Toos have a Divine Soul of Generosity (is-Geshta), a Divine Mind of Temperance (Issha Ñe), a Divine Body of Stillness (is-Qoram), and a Divine Movement of Desire (is-Muqol).
Suden Boorgh also claimed that the mystical practices within mainstream Baqluni religion stopped before they reached a critical point. He claimed that, through a process of uniting one's body, one's soul, one's mind, and one's movement to the Divine, one could become entirely one with is-Toos, to the point of having no distinction of personality.

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