At first, there was only the Essential Self and, because the ordering of thoughts had not yet come into being, the Essential Self was chaotic and, in its chaos, creative, and because the separation between thoughts and matter had not yet occurred, the Essential Self's thoughts had being.
It was not the first thought of the Essential Self, because if it had been the first thought of the Essential Self, it would have had no meaning and quickly been forgotten, as so much was, but the Essential Self in time came to realize that so much had been forgotten and realized that it ought to take note of the thoughts which passed through it. This thought, like all of the Essential Self's thoughts, had being, and this thought's being was the book named as the Qijbrll, and with its creation, time came into being, and with time now existing, life was now possible, and the Essential Self's thoughts now had life as well as being. It is no coincidence that the title "Qijbrll" so closely resembles the word for "regrets."
In time, three thoughts came to the Essential Self and, because the Essential Self's thoughts had being and because the Essential Self's thoughts had life, these thoughts became the three Crowned Gods. There was Eojmegk (NE), the awareness of and curiosity about the other, Omfiheqf (N), communication with the other, and Jmfniqom (NE), the separation from the other. Universal subjectivity gave way to subject-object consciousness. Eojmegk, at this time, gains the Qijbrll. Thus was the first generation of the gods, known as the Separations, brought into being.
Filled with a new and seemingly inexplicable longing, these three gods reached out into the Essential Self and drew forth companions. Omfiheqf, manifestation of subject-subject consciousness, proved the most able to meet the Essential Self as co-creator and so was the first to succeed in bringing companions into being. She first brought forth Komeipa (CN), the desire to preserve, then she brought forth Jmgli (N) who will come to be called Mother, the desire to share contemplation, and finally she brought forth Avaqejjj (CN), the desire to entertain. Having learned how to do so from Omfiheqf's bringing forth of these three desires, Jmfniqom then brought forth desires of his own. He first brought forth Sesfij N'co (NE), the desire to conquer, then he brought forth Morfikk (NE), the desire to suffer, and also he rescued Chicqakqe (CE), the desire to live forever, from being forgotten by the Essential Self, and finally he brought forth Fifito (CE), the desire to acquire. Following all this, Eojmegk brought forth his desires. He first brought forth Sfrj-s (CN), the desire to create, and also he brought forth Ylo-Nnwk (N), the desire to understand, and finally he brought forth Vil (CE), the desire to perfect. Ylo-Nnwk herself then brought forth Cnitigk (NE), the desire to be alone, and finally Vil set himself to the task of creating and created Smeqeqf (LE), the desire to avoid work. Thus was the second generation of the gods, known collectively as the Desires, brought into being.
Then it was that the gods turned their attentions to each other, ignoring the Essential Self. Omfiheqf partnered with Komeipa to give birth to three gods: the twins Ijje-Jl (NG), who is honor, and Fadih (CN) who will come to be called Father, who is devotion, and also Voi-Nojmil (LN), who is questing. Once more following Omfiheqf's example, Jmfniqom partnered with Sesfij N'co to give birth to two gods: Wfli-Lk (CE), who is risk, and Nrflhr (NE), who is persistence. Rather than partner with another god, Eojmegk turned inward and brought forth from himself, as indeed the gods had before brought forth from the Essential Self, the god Jikpoti (NE), who is civilization. Thus was the third generation of gods, known collectively as the Virtues, brought into being.
The Separations then gathered the Desires and the Virtues around them, according to their lineages. Eojmegk ruled over the Giqe Oi Ihi, gods who studied and learned about and played with the things of the world, gods who valued the world's existence for what it could provide them, gods who understood and promoted a selfish but protective subject-object consciousness like a child trying not to break his toys. They are the stewards of the world. Omfiheqf came to rule over the Fmd Goj, gods with a fierce love for the things of the world, gods who fought to continue the world's existence with no thought of benefit or gain, gods who understood and promoted subject-subject consciousness like two friends who want to see each other live their lives by their own desires. They are the preservers of the world. Jmfniqom came to rule over the Krl Frf, gods who cared not for the things of the world, gods who treated the world's existence like a temporary thing, gods who understood and promoted a careless and destructive subject-object consciousness. They are the users of the world.
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