At first, there was only the Essential Self and, because the ordering of thoughts had not yet come into being, the Essential Self was chaotic and, in its chaos, creative, and because the separation between thoughts and matter had not yet occurred, the Essential Self's thoughts had being and the Essential Self's thoughts had life.
In time, three thoughts came to the Essential Self and, because the Essential Self's thoughts had being and because the Essential Self's thoughts had life, these thoughts became the three Crowned Gods. There was Eojmegk (NE), the awareness of and curiosity about the other, Omfiheqf (N), the desire to communicate with the other, and Jmfniqom (NE), the longing to be one once more. Universal subjectivity gave way to subject-object consciousness.
In time, each would come to be crowned ruler of a different set of gods. Eojmegk came to rule over six other gods, gods who studied and learned about and played with the things of the world, gods who valued the world's existence for what it could provide them, gods who understood and promoted a selfish but protective subject-object consciousness like a child trying not to break his toys. They are the stewards of the world. Omfiheqf too came to rule over six other gods, gods with a fierce love for the things of the world, gods who fought to continue the world's existence with no thought of benefit or gain, gods who understood and promoted subject-subject consciousness like two friends who want to see each other live their lives by their own desires. They are the preservers of the world. Jmfniqom came to rule over six other gods, as well, gods who cared not for the things of the world, gods who treated the world's existence like a temporary thing, gods who understood and promoted a careless and destructive subject-object consciousness. They are the users of the world.
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